+49 (906) 999 882 88 info@z-con.one

Benefit from our com­pre­hen­sive spe­cia­list know­ledge of all pro­duc­tion-related issues. z.con.one com­bines more than 30 years of expe­ri­ence in end-to-end pro­duc­tion pro­cesses with pro­found prac­tical know­ledge, tech­nical under­stan­ding, and know-how in plan­ning and organization.

This is our key to buil­ding sus­tainable, effi­cient, and stable sup­plier rela­ti­onships and supply chains. And at the same time, the unique sel­ling point of z-con.one is: More than just supply chain manage­ment – Supply Chain Intelligence.