+49 (906) 999 882 88 info@z-con.one

Maximum effi­ci­ency for your manu­fac­tu­ring processes

End-to-end Pro­cess Management

From our decades of expe­ri­ence we know that the decisive factor for suc­cess in iden­ti­fying and lever­aging the poten­tial of manu­fac­tu­ring and busi­ness pro­cesses is their cross-fun­c­­tional and cross-divi­­sional view.

The­r­e­fore we opti­mize your pro­cesses accor­ding to tem­poral and logical pro­cesses and their goal and result ori­en­ta­tion end-to-end: from pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment and sup­plier sel­ec­tion to deli­very. Only in this way can the entire value chain be desi­gned and con­trolled effec­tively and efficiently.

The bene­fits for you: our prac­tical experience

Supply Chain Intelligence

Benefit from our com­pre­hen­sive spe­cia­list know­ledge of all pro­­duc­­tion-related issues. z.con.one com­bines more than 30 years of expe­ri­ence in end-to-end pro­duc­tion pro­cesses with pro­found prac­tical know­ledge, tech­nical under­stan­ding, and know-how in plan­ning and organization.

This is our key to buil­ding sus­tainable, effi­cient, and stable sup­plier rela­ti­onships and supply chains. And at the same time, the unique sel­ling point of z-con.one is: More than just supply chain manage­ment – Supply Chain Intelligence.

Effi­ci­ency starts with pro­duct development

Engi­nee­ring Consulting

Based on our detailed ana­lysis of all pro­cess steps along your pro­duc­tion, we deter­mine the most effi­cient way for your deve­lo­p­ment and sub­se­quent pro­duc­tion of com­plex mecha­nical com­pon­ents and assem­blies from pro­to­ty­ping to serial delivery.

The focus here is on the deve­lo­p­ment and pro­­duc­­tion-rele­­vant aspects of tech­nical fea­si­bi­lity, mate­rial sel­ec­tion, the defi­ni­tion and estab­lish­ment of stan­dards for purchased and stan­dard parts, and the sel­ec­tion of approved sur­face processes.

Our com­pre­hen­sive ana­lysis pro­cesses enable reliable, trans­pa­rent quo­ta­tions accor­ding to our open-book quo­ta­tion prin­ci­ples. For your com­pany this means: maximum quo­ta­tion secu­rity and hig­hest price stability.

Fle­xi­bi­lity and qua­lity through intel­li­gent processes

Pro­duc­tion Consulting

The pro­duc­tion of cer­ti­fied com­pon­ents for the aero­space industry is sub­ject to the hig­hest requi­re­ments and the­r­e­fore requires sup­pliers to have maximum awa­re­ness of qua­lity wit­hout negle­c­ting fle­xi­bi­lity and speed.

Due to our inte­grated know-how from prac­tical pro­duc­tion and many years of expe­ri­ence in plan­ning and orga­niza­tion, we know the key figures of effi­cient and safe pro­cesses in the pro­duc­tion of cer­ti­fied components.

We develop a pro­cess stra­tegy tail­ored to the requi­re­ments of your com­pany and plan and oversee the intro­duc­tion of each indi­vi­dual pro­cess step. Opti­miza­tion through indus­tria­liza­tion, strin­gent ali­gnment to spe­ci­fi­ca­tions and qua­lity requi­re­ments, and the con­side­ra­tion of available mecha­nical and tech­no­lo­gical resources as well as per­sonnel capa­ci­ties and employee know-how are the cor­ner­stones of our stra­tegic work.

Pro­duc­tion relia­bi­lity through stable supply chains

SCM Con­sul­ting

Mee­ting the com­pre­hen­sive requi­re­ments of supply chain manage­ment while mee­ting KPI requi­re­ments is the daily chall­enge for buyers of com­pa­nies and suppliers.

z-con.one stands for decades of expe­ri­ence in supply chain manage­ment within the avia­tion industry and can call on a world­wide sup­plier network.

We sup­port you in buil­ding sus­tainable, effi­cient, and stable sup­plier rela­ti­onships and supply chains. With our exper­tise and in-depth know­ledge of market mecha­nisms and cur­rent global market deve­lo­p­ments, we advise on sup­plier sel­ec­tion, sup­plier deve­lo­p­ment, and sus­tainable sup­plier manage­ment. We estab­lish effec­tive ways to increase the per­for­mance of your supply chain by intro­du­cing lean manage­ment con­cepts, defi­ning and mee­ting pro­­duc­­tion-related KPIs and, if neces­sary, crisis manage­ment mea­sures. In addi­tion, we help with the crea­tion of all pro­­duc­­tion-rele­­vant documents.

Func­tio­ning solu­tions in operations


Fast and effi­cient solu­tions in daily ope­ra­tions are cru­cial suc­cess fac­tors for cus­tomer satis­fac­tion and com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness. With our Supply Chain Intel­li­gence solu­tions, we are not just your contact for your cen­tral assembly and opti­miza­tion pro­jects in the pro­duc­tion of com­plex com­po­nent groups, but also your reliable partner for con­ti­nuous support.

We develop and imple­ment tailor-made solu­tions for your ope­ra­tional chal­lenges. Benefit from our com­pre­hen­sive spe­cia­list know­ledge of all aspects of pro­duc­tion prac­tice thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence in ope­ra­tive manufacturing.