+49 (906) 999 882 88 info@z-con.one

z-con.one stands for expert and pro­fes­sional con­sul­ting in the pro­duc­tion and pro­cu­re­ment of cer­ti­fied com­pon­ents for the inter­na­tional aero­space industry. As a manage­ment con­sul­tancy, we are your reliable partner in estab­li­shing a secure and eco­no­mical supply chain manage­ment system for kine­ma­tics and struc­tural assemblies.

We com­bine more than 30 years expe­ri­ence in end-to-end pro­duc­tion pro­cesses with pro­found prac­tical know­ledge, tech­nical under­stan­ding and know-how in plan­ning and orga­niza­tion for Airbus pro­grams (struc­ture & kine­ma­tics assem­blies) and for air­craft seats (mecha­nical parts & assemblies).

In addi­tion, we can call on a proven and effi­cient net­work of cer­ti­fied suppliers.

The z-con.one team can advise you in plan­ning and opti­miza­tion in the areas of engi­nee­ring, pro­duc­tion, supply chain manage­ment, sup­port, and much more.

That’s why we offer more than just supply chain manage­ment.
We call it Supply Chain Intelligence.